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Pourquoi vos allergies sont-elles pires cette année ? Découvrez maintenant

Fight Allergies with this tips

4. Urbanization and Loss of Green Spaces

Urbanization and the reduction of green spaces can also contribute to worsening allergies. Urban areas tend to have higher levels of air pollution, which can exacerbate allergic reactions. Additionally, the replacement of diverse plant species with allergenic ornamental plants and grasses can increase the concentration of specific allergens in the air.

The Urban Heat Island effect, where cities are significantly warmer than their rural surroundings, can also extend the pollen season and increase the amount of pollen produced . This combination of factors can make urban living particularly challenging for allergy sufferers.

Écrit par ActiveLivingSpace

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Pourquoi vos allergies s'aggravent et que faire à ce sujet

Pourquoi vos allergies s'aggravent et que faire à ce sujet

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