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Pourquoi vos allergies sont-elles pires cette année ? Découvrez maintenant

Fight Allergies with this tips

6. Extended Allergy Seasons

Longer allergy seasons are becoming more common due to climate change and other environmental factors. Plants are starting to bloom earlier and continue producing pollen later into the year. This extended exposure can lead to prolonged allergy symptoms and increased discomfort for sufferers.

Research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences highlights that the allergy season in North America has been lengthening, with significant increases in both the duration and intensity of pollen seasons. This trend is likely to continue, leading to more severe allergy seasons.

Écrit par ActiveLivingSpace

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Pourquoi vos allergies s'aggravent et que faire à ce sujet

Pourquoi vos allergies s'aggravent et que faire à ce sujet

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